Head Coach: Mike Makki
Contact: mike.makki@yahoo.com
Phone: 313-658-7600
Still looking for players
The 16U DBacks Elite National Showcase team is looking for players for 2020. The team is proud to announce that Schoolcraft College Head Coach Rob Fay will be joining the coaching staff.
This team is FREE to play on! We provide housing for those players that need it. This is a very unique opportunity for players to live, practice, train, and play games together all summer.
The team has some big plans in 2020. Possible tournaments include Perfect Game (WWBA, BCS, etc.), PBR, Pastime (Louisville, Notre Dame, Michigan, etc.), Amateur Baseball Championships at Grand Park, Cincy Flames, etc.
As far as we know, the Perfect Game WWBA tournament is the largest and most heavily-scouted 16U tournament in the country.
This team is extremely competitive. In 2019 this team went 42-2-1. Players on the team were from Idaho, Hawaii, Florida, Texas, California, New York, Michigan, etc.
If you are interested, please contact Dale Ochodnicky at 734-578-6770 and at DaleOchodnicky67@gmail.com.